

  1. クッキーおよびウェブビーコン等のトラッキング技術は、ご利用者を識別する業界標準の技術です。

  2. 当サイトは、以下の様な目的でクッキーを使用する場合があります。

    • セッション維持やセキュリティ確保など、当サイトの正常な動作に必要な機能を提供するため。
    • 当サイトの内容をご利用者がよりご満足いただけるよう改良したり、ご利用者個々のご利用に合わせてカスタマイズしたり、ご利用者の関心事に合わせてサービスを提供するため。
    • クッキーの利用により入手した情報を統計的に処理するため。
    • 当サイトのアクセス情報と他社が保有するアクセス情報を組み合せ、個人を特定しない形でユーザー属性の把握などの市場分析、および、これに基づく販売促進活動のため。
  3. ウェブサイトを閲覧する場合

  4. 電子メール(HTMLメール)受信の場合

  5. 行動ターゲティング広告の場合

    クッキー情報の取り扱い 広告配信停止
    Yahoo https://btoptout.yahoo.co.jp/optout/index.html
    Google https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=ja#types-of-cookies https://adssettings.google.com/anonymous?hl=ja
  6. 準拠法



Cookie Policy

Use of cookies and web beacons

  1. Tracking technologies of cookies and web beacons are industry-standard forms of technology that identify the user. Cookies identify the computer that the user uses(normally, the web browser), and not the individual user. In the case of web beacons, it may be possible to identify the individual user. Hereinafter, all technologies that read and write to the computers, as well as other tracking technologies used on this site may be referred to as cookies for convenience
  2. This site may use cookies for the purposes below.
    • To provide functions necessary for the proper functioning of the site, such as session maintenance and security.
    • For making improvements so that the user will be more satisfied with the content of this site, for conducting customization in accordance with the individual user's use, or for providing services in accordance with matters in which the user is interested
    • For statistically processing information that is obtained through use of cookies and web beacons
    • For combining access information of this site with information possessed by other companies to conduct market analysis to ascertain user attributes in a form in which individuals will not be identified and to conduct sales promotion activities based on that market analysis
  3. Cases of accessing a website
    The user can refuse acceptance of cookies by changing the settings of the browser that is used and thereby nullify the association of cookie information with anonymous access information and display of recommendations. Provided, however, that in such a case, use of the services through that website may be partially restricted or all use may be impossible.
  4. Cases of receiving e-mail (HTML mail)
    The Company may use web beacons in HTML mail in order to use them as reference for improving the operation of the website or for other business activities. In the event that you read HTML mail, opening of the mail and whether or not there was a preview will be recorded as information by which it is possible to identify the individual user. If you do not want such records, please conduct procedures for suspending delivery of HTML mail.
  5. Cases of action-targeting advertisements
    The Company may use action-targeting advertisements on the Company's website and affiliated sites of advertisement delivery providers that the Company uses.
    For the method of suspending delivery of action-targeting advertisements, please check the URL of the individual company in the table below.
    Handling of cookie information Suspension of advertisement delivery
    Yahoo https://btoptout.yahoo.co.jp/optout/index.html
    Google https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en#types-of-cookies https://adssettings.google.com/anonymous?hl=en
  6. Governing Law
    Unless otherwise specified, the use of this site and the interpretation and application of related terms of use shall be governed by the laws of Japan. In addition, unless otherwise specified, any dispute arising out of or in connection with the use of this site shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

Use of OneTrust

In order to respect the privacy of users of our website, we have introduced a cookie consent banner "OneTrust" on this site.
Users can choose to allow or refuse the use of cookies that are not essential for the functioning of this site by this site or third parties (our analysis partners, advertisement distributors, etc.) from the cookie banner displayed on each website or the cookie setting button below.
However, by refusing, the use of services through this site may be partially restricted or not available in all.



アルプス システム インテグレーション株式会社

Updates and Amendments to the Cookie Policy

We may update or amend our Cookie Policy without prior notice. Any updated or amended Cookie Policy will take precedence over pre-updated or amended Cookie Policy.

Alps System Integration Co., Ltd.
Final revision on August 1, 2024